Northeast Minneapolis is located across the river from Downtown and has a history and culture that makes this area very popular for a number of reasons. Although it covers a large section of the city, most of the condos and lofts will be found relatively close to the river.
Condos, Lofts and Townhomes for Sale in Northeast Minneapolis
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1729 6th Street Ne 106Minneapolis, MN, 55413$120,000
Actually the birthplace of Minneapolis, it utilized the river and falls to generate the power to run the flour mills, including those owned by Pillsbury. Some of those historic buildings, including the Pillsbury A Mill still stand and are a reminder of the city’s past
Many people love this area due to the proximity to the river, trails and parks, but also enjoy the shops, restaurants, nightlife and retail along E Hennepin Avenue and St Anthony Main. Some of the buildings enjoy unsurpassed views of the city that includes both the river and the Downtown skyline.
Northeast Minneapolis Condos & Lofts
Are you interested in learning more about the Midtown neighborhood and all of the urban home options? If so, the journey to your new home starts here! Contact Richard Newman today to discuss how we can help to make your dream home a reality.