Also on the east side of the river and just down river from Northeast Minneapolis is the University area. As the name implies, the heart of this area is the University of Minnesota which actually occupies 2,000 acres of land including both the East Bank and West Bank campuses.
Condos, Lofts and Townhomes for Sale in University
All Listings | $100,000 - $200,000 | $200,000 - $300,000 |
$300,000 - $400,000 | $400,000 - $500,000 |
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University Condos & Lofts
Surprisingly, the options for condos and lofts in this area are fairly limited. There are many apartments, both new development and old stock, that are popular with students and staff of the University.
With the addition of light rail, University Avenue is experiencing a renaissance. The West Bank neighborhood of Cedar Riverside continues to develop and evolve and includes many old favorite bars, restaurants and shops. Dinkytown, which is located directly adjacent to the U, caters to the student community and offers a wide variety of food, drink and retail.
Are you interested in learning more about the University neighborhood and all of the urban home options? If so, the journey to your new home starts here! Contact Richard Newman today to discuss how we can help to make your dream home a reality.