This neighborhood is comprised of Downtown East and Downtown West. The Mill District is the section that is located between Washington Avenue and the river near St Anthony Falls. This area is really the historic heart of Minneapolis because this was the home of the flour industry that was the largest in the world. Some of the buildings from that era, including some of the mills and grain elevators still remain.
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Once a run down and dilapidated area, the Mill District is now the home of many of the most expensive condos in the city. The combination of proximity to the river and paths, Gold Medal Park, the Guthrie Theater, The Mill City Museum and the farmer’s market, make this a beautiful and culturally rich area. The Historic Mills District Master Plan has provided direction in maintaining historic buildings and sites while still accommodating upscale new development.
Downtown West is also known as the Business District. This is the commercial hub where all of the skyscrapers and corporate headquarters in Minneapolis are located. Although made up mostly of commercial buildings, this area does include some condos - including a few that are connected to the skyway system.
Are you interested in learning more about the Mill District & Downtown neighborhood and all of the urban home options? If so, the journey to your new home starts here! Contact Richard Newman & Partners to discuss your opportunities today.